Career »
Creating career opportunities for the people from
all walks of life...
In its 27th year, Boyut Publishing Group has been growing rapidly and effectively in Turkish media industry. Today with over 400 employees. Creating career opportunities for the people from all ages and walks of life.

Every one of our employees considered as an “asset”. Every new idea, every new initiative, every single effort in logistical and realistic terms is welcomed in our business model. With training and internship opportunities, we build the future workforce in media and marketing industry by encouraging and driving creative thinking among our employees.

Boyut Publishing Group, we value employee satisfaction as much as customer satisfaction, because greate employees create great customers and business partners.

Boyut Publishing Group offers employment opportunities in the following segments:
  • Editorial and journalism
  • Printing Works and Printing Engineering
  • Information Technologies, Computing and Internet
  • Marketing, Advertising and Sales
  • Graphical Design